Begum Rokeya University Admission Circular 2020-21

BRUR Admission circular 2024-25 has published. The apply process of Begum Rokeya University admission 2024-25 will start from 26th September 2024 to 15th November 2024. BRUR Admission related all news can be found on the notice board of the Begum Rokeya University’s website and in the newspapers and on our website too.

About the Begum Rokeya University

Begum Rokeya University was established on October 12, 2008, in Rangpur. This university is the only full public university of Rangpur division. Beginning with the name of Rangpur University, Begum Rokeya Sakhawat Hossain, the pioneer of women awakening in 2009, changed her name to Begum Rokeya University. This University has been making outstanding contributions in the higher education of Rangpur Division students. Currently, about 7000 students are studying in different departments.

BRUR Admission Circular 2024-25

In 2020-21 ‍season, honors 1st year all admission process of Begum Rokeya University will be completed by this website. Students who interested to apply for Begum Rokeya University admission, he will complete his admission test apply process by this website and mobile SMS.

This year Begum Rokeya University (BRUR) Admission Test 2024-25 will be held by MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) methods.

Begum Rokeya University Admission 2024-25 Details

In this post, I try to provide all BRUR admission requirements and about the total seat, and I added this original notice BRUR admission. So read this article carefully at the end.

BRUR admission requirements for apply:

We already know that at the Begum Rokeya University have six units. Which are A, B, C, D, E, and F. Now I will write all of the conditions about the admission of the Begum Rokeya University in one by one?

The requirement of Minimum GPA: For each unit, they declared a minimal GPA from each group. Here are the details for each unit from each group.

For A Unit:

  1. Students from Humanities Group and Business Studies Group need GPA 6.50 in both SSC and HSC or equivalent exam. Individually in SSC and HSC or equivalent exam, they have to achieve a minimum GPA 3.00. Both GPA counted including the 4th subject.
  2. Those who are from science background have to achieve GPA 7.00 both in a total of SSC and HSC or equivalent exam. Individually in SSC & equivalent exam, they need GPA 3.50 and in HSC and equivalent exam need GPA 3.00 out of GPA 5.00.

For B Unit:

  1. Candidates who are applying from Humanities background need a minimum GPA 7.00 total in SSC and HSC and equivalent exam. But in SSC or equivalent exam, they need minimum GPA 3.50 and in HSC or equivalent exam they need GPA 3.00 including 4th subject.
  2. Applicants from Business Studies and Science Group need total GPA 7.50 in SSC and HSC or equivalent exam. Individually in SSC and HSC exam, they have to acquire minimum GPA 3.50.

For C Unit:

  1. Candidates from humanities and Business studies background need minimal GPA 7.00 both with SSC and HSC or equivalent exam.  Both in SSC they have to achieve GPA 3.00 and in HSC they need minimal GPA 3.50 out of GPA 5.00 individually including the 4th subject.
  2. For science background candidates the total minimal GPA 7.50 is declared both in SSC and HSC or equivalent exam. They also have to acquire GPA 3.50 individually in SSC and HSC or equivalent exam.

For D Unit:

Only Science background students can apply for this unit. To apply on this unit candidates, have to acquire total GPA 7.50 minimum in both SSC and HSC or equivalent exam. Not only this they also have to acquire GPA 3.50 out of GPA 5.00 individually in SSC and HSC exam. These average GPA counts including the 4th subject.

For E Unit:

It is also only for Science group applicants. The minimal requirement of GPA is the same as the D unit. Individually in SSC and HSC, they have to acquire GPA 3.50 and in total, they need GPA 7.50.

For F Unit:

  1. Applicants who have GPA 7.50 in total with SSC and HSC or equivalent exam from science group in HSC can apply for this unit. Individually they need GPA 3.50 in SSC and HSC and equivalent exam.
  2. Those who are from the Humanities and Business Studies group have to acquire a minimal GPA 7.00 both in SSC and HSC exam. In SSC exam they have to gain GPA 3.50 and in HSC exam GPA 3.00 must have to achieve.

Begum Rokeya University  Total Seat:

in Begum Rokeya University, has 1315 seats for All unit.

  • A total unit seats- 195
  • B unit total seats- 375
  • C unit total seats- 245
  • D unit total seats- 280
  • E unit total seats- 100
  • F unit total seats- 120

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Begum Rokeya University Subject List

Unit Faculty Department / Subject
A Faculty of Arts BanglaEnglish

History and Archaeology

B Faculty of Social Science EconomicsSociology

Political Science

Gender and Development Studies

Mass Communication and Journalism

Public Administration

C Faculty of Business Studies Accounting and Information SystemsManagement Studies


Finance and Banking

D Faculty of Science PhysicsChemistry



E Faculty of Engineering & Technology Electrical & Electronic EngineeringComputer Science and Engineering
F Faculty of Life and Earth Sciences Geography and Environmental ScienceDisaster Management

Begum Rokeya University Admission Circular 2024-25

Students of any group can apply for the admission through A, B, and C unit. And D, E, and F unit for only Science background student.

How to apply for Begum Rokeya University 2024

All faculty of Begum Rokeya University will have to apply online and SMS for honors the first year season 2020-2121 from 26th September 2024 to 15th November 2024.

How to apply online,

for online application, you need to go the link:

How to Pay Payment:

    • You need to use for the admission test to Begum Rokeya University By SMS.
    • At first, you will have to write BRUR in the message option in any prepaid Teletalk mobile number, then space, then first three letters of the HSC board name, <Space> HSC exam roll number, <Space> then HSC passing year, <Space> first 3 letters of SSC board name, <Space> then SSC exam roll number <Space> SSC passing year <Space> then the keyword of the desired group (the unit to which you want to apply) and send SMS to 16222.
    • For Example, BRUR DHA 128556 2018 DHA 134578 2018 A and Send to 16222.
    • After successfully Sending First SMS, Teletalk will be Send you a PIN Number. Please Note Down the PIN Number and Send the Second SMS.
  • Go to Your Mobile Phone SMS Option again and type-
  • BRUR <Space> YES <Space> PIN Number <Space> Your Mobile Number and Send to 16222
  • For Example BRUR YES 123456 01xxxxxx and Send to 16222

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Stay with us to know more about admission to Begum Rokeya University. And please comment on your quote.