JSC Result Kivabe Dekhbo (result dekhar niom)

JSC Result Kivabe Dekhbo is now the hot cake everywhere and if you are interested to know about JSC result dekhar niom, you have come to the right place. We will share every bit of information possible so that you don’t get confused about the result.  So, we are describing details about the JSC Result Kivabe Dekhbo means JSC Result 2024 Checking System.

JSC Result Kivabe Dekhbo

There are two  systems are available to check the Result. One is Online and offline both systems are available to check JSC result dekhar niom. The online system is online based. You get from the Education Board Result Check portal or Official website & Android App.

Go to DPE website, first click on the link http://eboardresults.com. Then click on the section of JSC/JDC. Next step select the year. Then select Board name and the last one and the most important is select the result type Individual Result. After it will show the Roll box and Registration section, fill up those, then type security key that ,mentioned. The last step is to click on get the JSC Result 2024.

JSC Result Dekhar Niom by SMS

Another way, Offline System is on Mobile SMS. We all konw that 80% of Bangladeshi People use Mobile Phone now. Smartphone user percentage is higher than the featured Phone means normal Phone. So, people will like to check their result online. So, the Mobile SMS system is the second popular method for general people.

SMS Format

First write exam name, then space 3 letter of board name then spaceroll no and exam year. Compleitng typing send to 16222 no. SMS charge will be TK 2.44 for all mobile operator.

JSC SMS Format 2024

JSC <space> First Three Letters of Board Name <space> Roll <space> Year and send to 16222

JSC Result Time

You should not worry for JSC Result Kivabe Dekhbo. Visit our FB Fan Page to get more information aling with result dekhar niom.