JU Admission Test Result 2024-25 ju-admission.org

JU Admission Test Result 2024-25 ju-admission.org. The admission test of Jahangirnagar University, which is located in a great peaceful environment, was held a few days ago. Everyone is waiting for the result with a big interest. Jahangirnagar University usually provides its education through many different units. So it normally takes more time to publish the results. We will make the arrangement for you so that you can know the JU admission test result 2024 just after it is published. No more suffering with the JU admission test result.

We would let you know the method of how to get the result of each unit, the result publication date etc. As like as the last year, a lot of students have participated in the admission test this year. Due to lack of the seats, all the students will not be able to get admission here. But we hope that you will be able to ensure your seat based on your high qualification. So let us give you the necessary guidance about the Jahangirnagar University admission test result.

JU Admission Test Result 2024

Most of the students eagerly wait for the results after any exams. And if that is regarding the JU admission test result then there is nothing to mention. After taking part in the admission test, your main concern is how to get the result. Due to lack of adequate knowledge, many of you do not know what is going to happen and how is your luck. We will discuss the whole result process here easily. Besides, you can see the DU Admission Test Result 2024, Jagannath University Admission Test Result etc.

When The Result will Be Published?

Since the unit number in Jahangirnagar University is much higher and the admission test of each unit will be held at a time, so the results will also be published. We will mention the date of publication of each unit separately.

How To Get The Jahangirnagar University admission Result? 

It is very easy to find out the Jahangirnagar University admission test result. You just need to visit their site here https://ju-admission.org/apply/result and download the pdf file. However, first, you need to see the result of which unit you are looking for.

JU Admission Test Result 2024 By SMS

Besides, if you want, you will get the result by sending SMS from your mobile. That is also a very easy job. For that, you have to go to the message option of your mobile from any mobile operator SIM and type JU <space> R <space> Roll number then send to 3690.

For Example: JU R 146677 and then send it to 3690

After a few moments, you will get your desired result in the return SMS. If you think the matter difficult then have look at the following example.

Jahangirnagar University Admission Result 2024-25

The JU admission test result of unit A will be published on 14th February 2025.

Female Candidates-Shift-3(11-02-2025)

Female Candidates-Shift-4(11-02-2025)

Female Candidates-Shift-5(11-02-2025)

Male Candidates-Shift-1(12-02-2025)

Male Candidates-Shift-2(12-02-2025)

Male Candidates-Shift-3(12-02-2025)

Male Candidates-Shift-4(12-02-2025)

Male Candidates-Shift-5(12-02-2025)


The JU admission test result of unit B will be published on 17th February 2025.

The JU admission test result of unit C will be published on 13th February 2025.

The admission test result of unit C1 will be published on 17th February 2025.

The admission test result of unit D has been published on 10th February 2025.

Female Candidates-Shift-1(09-02-2025)

Female Candidates-Shift-2(09-02-2025)

Female Candidates-Shift-3(09-02-2025)

Female Candidates-Shift-4(09-02-2025)

Female Candidates-Shift-5(09-02-2025)

Male Candidates-Shift-1(10-02-2025)

Male Candidates-Shift-2(10-02-2025)

Male Candidates-Shift-3(10-02-2025)

The admission test result of unit E will be published on 11th February 2025.

Female Candidates-Shift-1-Business(11-02-2025)

Female Candidates-Shift-1-Non-Business(11-02-2025)

Male Candidates-Shift-2-Business(11-02-2025)

Male Candidates-Shift-2-Non-Business(11-02-2025)

The admission test result of unit IBA had been published on 10th February 2025.

Female Candidates(10-02-2025)

Male Candidates(10-02-2025)

JU Admission 2024 Seat Plan

The seat plan of different faculties in Jahangirnagar University is mentioned in the table below.

Unit Name Number of Seats
A Unit 454
B Unit 343
C Unit 496
D Unit 374
E Unit 200
F Unit 60
G Unit 50
H Unit 454
Total 2,030

Jahangirnagar University Admission Circular

The Last Words

Hopefully, you have so far become able to remove the doubt you had about the JU Admission Test Result 2024. Actually, getting the result is easier than you thought it would be. If you find it problematic to know the result from the website, you can get the result through SMS. We wish you become able to make everyone happy with the smiling face. An endless good wishes for all of you.