ক্লাস ৬ষ্ঠ / সিক্স / ষষ্ঠ শ্রেণীর শিক্ষার্থীদের জন্য ইংরেজি এসাইনমেন্টের প্রশ্ন। Assignment Question Of English For Class Seven Students.
The question is Justify the title of the poem “Holding Hands” five sentences. Write at least five sentences.
Poem “Holding Hands”
Elephants walking
Along the trails
Are holding hands
By holding tails
Trunks and tails
Aur handy things
When elephants walk
In circus rings.
And when they walk
It never fails
They are holding hands
By holding tails
The title of the poem is completely correct and relevant Because the elephants are walking in the circus ring holding each other’s hands, trunks, and tails. They never fail as they stay united here goes the proverb that,” Unity is strength”. Like the elephant, if we stay united we will succeed for sure. Moreover, we can stay strong as well.